Prayer Practices

Faith’s bible study meets on Tuesday nights on zoom at 5:30pm:

Welcoming Prayer & Center Prayer, Wednesdays at 9:30 am in Faith’s parish hall.

Welcomning Prayer 

Each week we’ll discuss the Contemplative Outreach Welcoming Prayer reading selection from the companion booklet.  See more resources at centering-and-welcoming-prayer.

Centering Prayer 

The basic Centering Prayer customary: Ring bowl, intercessory prayer (5 mins,) ring bowl, Lectio Divina – Monastic (silent) version, same reading 4X, 30 seconds between readings (~10 mins,) start app, Silence (20 mins,) app sounds, Alternative Lord’s Prayer (as below – one person says this for all.) Note: the same scripture/poem is read four times, attached below.